Sunday 12 May 2013

State of Emergency


TODAY,as I speak our country is in Chaos.Our MP's,teachers,nurses,doctors,civil servants e.t.c you name them, all want a pay rise!!I It is not hard to fathom  why they all want a pay rise. We all need an increment, basically speaking.But why is this?What can be the underlying reason of this rapidly spreading notion? 
Is it the global economy?
Is it the  rise in inflation?

I think, the reason for this phenomena is simply a very strong desire to attain the best possible living standards.For years,we have been poor.For centuries we have been neglected,outcasted and isolated from the rest of the world.We have been exploited by the powers of the world for decades if not centuries.Since the dawn of slavery  we have been used,abused and discarded by other people.And if you think that our country is independent, then my brother/sister your are in a world of delusion.A delusion created by the neo-colonists.These nations,come from the West and the East .They enjoy massive economies on our backs.They live extravagantly.They are cold-blooded oppressors who forge alliances with us that look great on paper but pitiless on the field.These fake alliances and treaties only benefit them.Infact they put is in debt.They make us their debt slaves.

Is it Viable?

Yes we want a pay rise, because we are tired of working,and working and working and still not seeing an end to our debts.Yes we want a pay rise because we want to give a better education to our children!Yes we want a pay rise because we want to access good healthcare facilities!Yes we want a pay rise to pay the ever increasing electricity costs!

This call for a pay rise IS viable and justifiable.

But the error we are making is that we are asking a pay rise from the government!!?A government that it self can not pay wages of its workers.A government drowning in debt.A government that is incapable of providing the basics for all of us.(That is why we are asking for a payrise!!!!).

The solution to this epidemic is in our National Anthem;

Ee Mungu nguvu yetu
Ilete baraka kwetu
Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi
Natukae na Undugu
Amani na uhuru
Raha tupate na ustawi.
O God of all creation
Bless this our land and nation
Justice be our shield and defender
May we dwell in unity
Peace and liberty
Plenty be found within our borders.
Second stanza
Amkeni ndugu zetu
Tufanye sote bidii
Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu
Nchi yetu ya Kenya
Tuwe tayari kuilinda
Let one and all arise
With hearts both strong and true
Service be our earnest endeavour
And our homeland of Kenya
Heritage of splendour
Firm may we stand to defend
Third stanza
Natujenge taifa letu
Ee, ndio wajibu wetu
Kenya istahili heshima
Tuungane mikono
Pamoja kazini
Kila siku tuwe na shukrani
Let all with one accord
In common bond united
Build this our nation together
And the glory of Kenya
The fruit of our labour
Fill every heart with thanksgiving.

We as Kenyans must agree to work hard in our respective fields.But most importantly we must work smartly.

We must stand united.

Building a Self-Sustained Kenya

To cure this epidemic what we need is a very strong,mighty,growing economy that can be able to sustain our pay demands.Achieving this,I acknowledge is not an easy task.But it can be achieved if we all agree to work together.

How is our economy going to grow if we import everything from the East or the West.How you tell me?We must,and I repeat,We must start becoming self sufficient.We must be able to manufacture locally,Grow locally and consume locally.

Today,at this moment I urge everyone,I challenge all traders to set up local manufacturing plants and to consume locally.

All Kenyan importers out there,who know the local market far too well,I urge you to start manufacturing locally,the goods you import from other countries.This will be able to increase your profits,I am sure,but will also be a step forward towards making Kenya more Self sufficient.

It is true,I agree that we can not  become 100% self-sufficient in this global economy.But lets see how far we can go.


Have you ever asked why the Eastern country who built our Thika "Super" highway does not want to teach us how to build another similar road.They want us to depend on them forever for 'building roads'!!!

Have a awesome and fruitful day.

A New Era

New Era

I would like to begin by introducing what this blog is going to be about and about me.I am currently a high school student with a great visoin for Kenya.My Kenya.Our Kenya.I am not an activist or anything of that sort, i just want to share my opinion and vision of how kenya should be.I want to encourage fellow citizens to work very hard,to build a greater,mightier and richer Kenya.Our country is what we are.If we as an individual are poor, the country will always be poor.On this platform i am going to share my opinion of what  Kenyans should aspire to be and work towards  building a Kenya which we are proud of.We must work hard to build such a country that drives the African economy and has a place in the global economy.

Today as I am Writing this there are thousands of youngsters in the country who are aspiring to achieve something in their lives.For themselves.For their Family.For their children.But how many out there, are aspiring something for the greater community.For Kenya.There are very few indeed.This blog aims to create individuals that desire a better and brighter future for Kenya.It is true that ever citizen of the Republic of Kenya has a burning desire to live in a better Kenya.But the question is how many are ready to sacrifice and work towards deleivering that 'BETTER KENYA' to our future generations.

This is food for thought.

What exactly does a BETTER KENYA mean.
It means a country where there is limitless freedom,a nation that has a determined,ambitious,intellectual,healthy population,a Kenya where all are treated equal,where are children have access to the best education possible,where food is bountiful,where water is available from every tap in every house,where all people have a decent permanent housing,where the literacy rate is 99%,where the infant mortality rate is nearing zero,where the unemployment rate is lower than 10%,where women are as equal as men,where everyone has every opportunity to success,where we are at the forefront of research in Africa,where we have the best healthcare in Africa ,Where we have on of the best education systems in the world,where electricity is surplus,where every person can achieve the highest living standards possible ,where the roads are tarmacked ,where the internet connectivity is universal,where mobile penetration is 100% in the adult population,where the leaders are corruption free, where the  police are the most efficient in Africa,where the military is the most superior in Africa.





Are you willing to do something for your motherland?
Are you ready to work towards a better Kenya?
Do you want your children to live in  greater kenya?

If  all your answers are positive than you know that you are a patriot.